A world where post offices, libraries and transport services would run like a well-oiled machine, lovingly tendered by charities and voluntary groups may seem like a pipe dream. But if Dave Cameron got his way it could be a reality. The Big Society has been hailed by Dave as "a big advance for people power". But the question is, will this utopian idea work? While the economy slowly recovers from an almighty battering beyond recognition, the Big Society would evolve and take shape.
The concept would see the Government allow dormant bank and building societies enable charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups run public services. All courtesy of the Big Society Bank.
Other initiatives would involve a whip round (well in the grandest sense) to buy a pub, volunteers being in charge running museums and the transfer of power to residentsover council spending.
Plenty of people (including moi) would love to give up more of their time to volunteer and help out worthy causes. But like countless others, I face the worry of making enough to pay endless food and household bills, not forgetting keeping a lid on debt.
Some souls would cry- "for goodness sake, people are just too selfish to volunteer. They need to stop moaning and get off their lazy bums." But they forget the old adage: "time is money, money is time."
Hundreds of libraries face closure due to cuts. This is a shame really as having the luxury of borrowing a pile of books should be accessible to all. I have just fallen back in love with reading and have 2 books on the go. Eat, Pray, Love was the Monday morning commute book of choice. Gosh, reading it makes me so inspired to read more, definately write more and to travel to far flung places. I guess a girl could dream I suppose at the mo. I would really be sad if the libraries in my neck of the woods closed. They are so convenient and have an impressive haul of books.
Anyway, back on the concept of the Big Society, more volunteers is a nice idea but there is the matter of public funds being squeezed. Where is the money going to come from? Pretty much every charity needs experts and guess what, they are in fact PAID!
Mum told me on the phone yesterday, that the idea of volunteers at the mo as people are trying to pay bills and keep a roof over their heads. And another thing, she said was jobless people do not want to volunteer, they just want a job and get paid. And she also believed that how can the Big Society work at the same time the Government is "robbing Peter to pay Paul". Amen.
UNISON general secretary David Prentis summed it up nicely. He told the BBC that volunteers are being used as a cut price alternative to the provision of government services. But time will tell if the Big Society is a fudge for making cuts left, right, centre, top, middle and bottom.